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Payment Instruction

Thank you for placing an order. is running by Inagro Traders, Mumbai.
Kindly make full payment of your order value to the following bank account or you can scan below QR code to proceed the payment.
Please note. No any partial payment is accepted.
We deliver your goods once we received full payment of your order value.
Please send your paid amount details i.e. screenshot etc. to the following whatsaapp number: +91-7738788398 or email us:

Your order will not ship until we receive full value of your order payment.

**For Bank Transfer details:

Account Name: Inagro Traders

Bank: ICICI Bank

Current A/c no- 098805001212

IFSC: ICIC0000988

Bank address: ICICI Bank, Akanksha Bunglow, Ninety feet road, Sane Guruji Nagar, Mulund (East) Mumbai-400081

**For any UPI Payment, Kindly scan code to proceed payment.

Please enter your order ID in "Add note" or in reference to identify your order payment.


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